Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Places to Visit -- Postojna Caves, Slovenia

I'm a travel junkie. I love to travel, and I love to think about where to travel next. Tempting brochures from several different travel companies arrive in our mailbox regularly. I toss many, but I savor many of them also. And I get emails galore. One of my new favorites is The Inside Scoop from Harriet Lewis of Overseas Adventure Travel and Grand Circle. In addition to fun travel stories from exotic places, it features pictures with a brief description / hint. Usually, they are places that I haven't been and can't guess, which is a bit surprising because I've been to a lot of places. Often these mystery places end up on my "to visit" list. These caves look fascinating. They provide another reason to visit Slovenia, which is already on my list.

If you're a fellow travel junkie, check out The Inside Scoop.

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