Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Travel Blog Worth Reading

So many blogs, so few worth reading... And yet the internet is populated with a few great blogs by people who have information and insight worth sharing. I've taken to surfing the Web a bit more in recent weeks, and I am starting to discover some nuggets. I have stumbled upon travel blogs that are awful, both visually and verbally. But I found a fun site that is primarily a video blog by a young (from my perspective) couple whose livelihood is seeing the world and reporting on it. 

As this picture demonstrates, a visually attractive and eye-catching blog post, or, more importantly, the tweet or Facebook post that points to it, can be very effective. Who wouldn't want to read about high-kicking soldiers from India and Pakistan

I was impressed enough that I went in search of more by "Captain and Clark" and found their blog. They visit great places and inspire me to continue to travel and to embrace the unexpected. The photos are luscious, and their engaging personalities come through in their writing and videos. Indulge yourself whether you're an aspiring traveler or a temporarily home-bound traveler planning your next adventure.

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