Monday, January 10, 2022

Book Review: State of Terror

Louise Penny and Hillary Clinton -- what a powerhouse duo!  (Much better than James Patterson and Bill Clinton, IMHO.) They perfectly blend their different expertise and experiences with their obvious mutual respect and deep friendship to deliver a truly compelling story. A new administration is in the early stages of recovering from a disastrous 4 years with an incompetent and egotistical President who is never named but doesn't need to be.  For nefarious political reasons, the new President Doug Williams appoints Ellen Adams as his Secretary of State. Together, they confront a horrific terrorist plot that spans the globe and reaches into the depths of inner Washington.

Clinton brings to the table an enormous breadth of knowledge of world leaders, non-state actors, and Washington machinations. As Ellen Adams, she confronts some of her biggest nightmares and also gets to indulge her fondest desire to slap down a few political adversaries.

Penny contributes her masterful ability to construct an intricate plot, dropping just enough hints and red herrings along the way to keep the reader thoroughly engaged. She even includes a few nods to her loyal readers with a tiny bit of action in Three Pines and a cameo appearance by Armand Gamache. 

The thrilling, heart-stopping, page-turning plot would have made an excellent book. Combining that with the depth of female friendships, the fraught family relationships, and the nuanced portrayal of both the good guys and the bad guys bring this book to the next level. And the wonderful literary references, including the code between Ellen and Betsy, are icing on the cake. The subjunctive would have walked into a bar... had it only known. 

Needless to say, I really loved this book!

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