Pursuing active retirement. Seeing the world. Striving for an agile mind, body, and spirit.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Quote of the Day -- John Weiss
The forest is a social network. Trees communicate and support one
another. They can sense with their leaves and roots and fit into one
another’s respective ecosystems... When Scots pine trees are attacked by caterpillars, they release a scent
from pheromones in their leaves. This pheromone attracts wasps who come
and lay eggs in the leaves which turn into larvae that eat the
caterpillars. Some trees send out electric signals via fungal fibers
underground that spread out for several miles, informing other trees of
conditions. It’s sort of like ‘tree email.’ People don’t appreciate how
much trees communicate and support one another...They’re trying to tell us that we are just like them. Both isolated and
connected. We must lay down roots and establish our presence. But we
must build alliances and connections, too. Trees take a long view, just
as we should plan for our future. Trees don’t blame. They take
responsibility for themselves. And they find peace in their
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