Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Book: The Despot's Apprentice

Author Brian Klaas is a hometown boy made good. I remember him as the kid brother of our daughter's friend Ann. He was the little runt trailing after his brother James on the Little League team coached by my husband. Then all the kids grew up and went off in various directions, to their elite schools and careers. I heard about Brian periodically from his mom Barbara. She proudly and nervously described his studies in failed (and therefore not very safe) states. Fortunately, Brian survived his stays in faraway lands and emerged as a widely regarded expert in despotism and failing democracies. I barely recognize the scruffy little boy I knew beneath his very professional looking image. I wonder if he's even acquired a British accent? 

I have yet to catch Brian as a commentator on TV or radio, but I just completed his latest book. And he really is a hometown boy made good. He writes with authority and impressive command of a broad spectrum of information. His argument is logical, articulate, and well-organized.  Most importantly, it flows and it's easy to read. Giant intellects are most impressive when they make their knowledge accessible without dumbing it down. Bravo, Brian!

In the age of Trump, it is difficult not to get a serious case of whiplash wondering which misdeed to focus on -- lying, vulgarity, petulance, nepotism, misogynism? Klaas' book is both clear and comprehensive -- a sure cure for whiplash.

Here is a brief rundown of the chapters:
  1. Doublethink -- lying, cognitive dissonance, convincing people that 2 + 2 = 5
  2. Fake News!  -- delegitimizing the press, especially the critical press
  3. Lock Her Up!  -- demonizing opponents
  4. From Russia with Love -- all the possible ways that Trump and his family are benefiting from a Russian connection
  5. How to Rig an Election --  theories about what happened leading up to November 2016
  6. Divide and Rule -- focusing his supporters on scapegoats (immigrants, black and brown people)
  7. Flood the Swamp -- benefiting financially from the office of President
  8. The Deep State -- inventing a sinister conspiracy against him
  9. Take Your Kids to Work Day -- unparalleled nepotism
  10. The Despot's Cheerleading -- praising and cozying up to other world leaders with questionable ethics and tactics
Klaas' argument throughout is that Trump doesn't rise (or sink) to the level of any of the true despots used as examples, but Trump uses many of the same techniques. Klaas makes a convincing and obviously very frightening case that we're headed in the wrong direction. We need to take civic responsibility and try to turn the ship before we are indeed shipwrecked. Read it, weep, and then do something!

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